Neglect Is the Most Common Form of Child Abuse Child abuse facts reveal that neglect is the most common out of 4 basic types of child abuse. It is defined as the inability of caretakers to provide sufficient physical or emotional care to a child or children. Some 78% of all cases of child abuse are classified as neglect, followed by physical abuse with 18%, sexual abuse with 9%, and emotional abuse with 8%. Many children are victims of more than just one form of child abuse. Sexual Abuse Is Not the Same as Physical Abuse Physical abuse is defined as physical aggression towards a child, often resulting in injuries or even worse. Although sexual abuse is often also physical, it sometimes lacks direct physical contact (indecent exposure of an adult to a child, indecent viewing of a child’s genitalia by an adult, exposing a child to pornographic material etc.). Sexual abuse is defined as any abuse in which an adult uses a child for sexual stimulation. Child Abuse Can Result in Death Child abuse facts reveal that approximately 5 children die every day as a consequence of abuse. Around 70% of these children are younger than 3 years old. Infamous cases of child abuse resulting in death in the US include the Aquatot siblings, Baby Belle, Anjelica Castillo, Marcus Fiesel, Rebecca Riley, Erica Green, Nathaniel Craver, Joseph Wallace, Hana Grace-Rose Williams and thousands of other tragic child abuse victims. Abused Children Often Become Criminals Jail population statistics reveal that 14% of all men and 36% of all women in prison were abused as children. Children who experience abuse or neglect are 59% more likely to be arrested as juveniles, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult and 30% more likely to commit a violent crime later in their life 20% of Boys and 30% of Girls Are Sexually Abused before Their 18th Birthday Child abuse facts reveal the grim truth: most sexual child abuse victims are abused by people that are supposed to take care of them. In 68% of cases, family members are the abusers, and in 90% of cases the victim personally knows the abuser.
Mothers Are More Likely to Be Abusers Parents are the most common perpetrators in child abuse cases and the debate on whether mothers or fathers are the more likely abusers has been going on for years. Statistics show that males are abusers in 45% of cases, and females in 55%. That makes mothers more likely to abuse their children, but it is fathers who are more often involved in sexual and physical abuse that ends with severe physical consequences. Child Abuse Can Result in Death Child abuse facts reveal that approximately 5 children die every day as a consequence of abuse. Around 70% of these children are younger than 3 years old. Infamous cases of child abuse resulting in death in the US include the Aquatot siblings, Baby Belle, Anjelica Castillo, Marcus Fiesel, Rebecca Riley, Erica Green, Nathaniel Craver, Joseph Wallace, Hana Grace-Rose Williams and thousands of other tragic child abuse victims. Child Labor, Trafficking, Genital Mutilation and Marriage Are also Forms of Abuse These forms of child abuse are not often found in the US and the rest of developed world, but they are a big problem in developing countries, especially in Asia and Africa. According to worldwide statistics, more than 200 million children are forced to work full-time, about 1.2 million children are trafficked each year, over 130 million girls have had their genitalia mutilated and about 12% of women in developing regions are married before they reach 15 years of age. It Is Difficult to Escape the Cycle of Child Abuse Child abuse facts reveal that approximately 30% of people who were abused as children become abusers themselves when grown up. This can be attributed to the fact that abuse leaves children with severe emotional issues that cause violent behaviour. These traits transfer from one generation to another, spreading child abuse like a deadly disease. Most Parents Are Not Aware That They Emotionally Abuse Their Children While physical and sexual abuses are completely conscious acts, emotional abuse often remains hidden – even from those who are doing the abusing. Common forms of emotional abuse include humiliating, criticising, isolating, terrorising, insulting, rejecting and being emotionally cold. It is never too late to stop if you have realised that you are doing these things to your children… Sexual Offenders of Children Often Abuse Repeatedly Some 70% of sexual offenders of children have had 1-9 victims, 25% 10-40 victims and some of them even as many as 400 in their lifetime. Their behaviour is often influenced by their violent past – 40% of them were sexual abuse victims themselves as children. They are also more likely to be involved in other illicit sexual acts (prostitution for example), regardless of their gender. Child Pornography Is on the Rise NCMEC (National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children) annually reviews more than 20 million videos and pictures suspected of containing children pornography, and the numbers are increasing year on year. Child pornography is one of the fastest spreading sexual child abuse forms since the spread of internet and modern mobile technology. Its statistics are terrifying – more than 80% of perpetrators post pornographic material of children younger than 12 years old; 19% post material of children younger than 3 years.


  1. great article
    honestly this article really touches me


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